Rock and Roll legend Lemmy, who was the front man of “Motörhead” was a close friend of Current WWE Chief Content Officer Triple H(aka, Paul Levesque). His entrance song “Time to play the game” was produced by Motorhead and that had a major role in shaping up the persona of Triple H and much of his popularity was due to this particular entrance music. Now, "The Game" has paid tribute to its front man Lemmy, who unfortunately passed away in 2015, by contributing to a book which celebrates Lemmy’s legacy.

Triple H's famous entrance

It's a well-known fact that Triple H is what he is today partly because of his special characterisation and the unique aggression that he brought with him to the ring. That aggression was represented by the sledge hammer that he carried, his throwing up of water while entering the ring and the special entrance song which was produced by the ‘Motorhead’, for the “Cerebral Assassin”. Triple H has time and again expressed gratitude towards Motorhead and its demised legend, Lemmy for contributing towards his WWE career through music. Recently, “Hunter” also contributed towards a book called “No Remorse”, which celebrates the life of Lemmy and the legacy that he carved for himself.

A special tribute to Lemmy

Triple H, along with known actors, writers and 27 other musicians, have contributed towards that book in order to pay homage to the fallen Rock ‘n’ Roll legend. The book also marks the 50 year anniversary of Motorhead. Triple H informed the world about his special tribute, with an ‘Instagram’ post. In the post, he wrote “I’ll never forget the first time I met Lemmy. The role that he and @officialmotorhead played in shaping “The Game” cannot be overstated and it’s been the honour of a lifetime to pay homage to my friend, by contributing to this novel. Make sure you get your copy today”, while remembering his friend and music legend, Lemmy.

Triple H took over the reins of WWE from former WWE boss Vince McMahon, after a sexual harassment case was levied on Mr McMahon, by one of his former employees, Janel Grant. Ever since taking over, the former 14 time WWE Champion has done a tremendous job, that certainly reflects with the high TRP’s that WWE is enjoying right now. The new era of WWE under “The Game” is now famously called the “Paul Levesque Era”. Are you also a fan of this era of WWE?

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