Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor's film, The Buckingham Murders, collected Rs 0.50 crore on its sixth day since its release, taking its nett total to Rs 7.30 crore, according to Sacnilk. It had collected slightly over Rs 1 croreon its opening day.

Despite having no competition at box office, the Kareena-starrer failed to cross even the Rs 10 crore-mark.

While the film might have failed to succeed commercially, it hit the right chord with the critics, who, apart from praising Mehta's direction and screenplay, also showered praise on lead star Kareena Kapoor's performance.

India Today Digital gave it four stars in its review. "Jasmeet Bhamra aka Jass (Kareena Kapoor) takes a demotion transfer to Wycombe to escape the painful memories of her only child's death. On the very day of her arrival, a child, Ishpreet, goes missing. A Muslim boy is arrested in connection to the case, which further fuels communal tension which was sparked by a cricket match. Jass not just has to fight the gnawing feeling of losing her only child, but also a competitive colleague, Hardy (Ash Tandon), who is also fighting his own demons. She is on a mission to uncover the truth, which opens like onion peels, exposing one layer after the other," read a section of the review.

The Buckingham Murders is Kareena Kapoor's second release of the year after the con-comedy Crew. She was seen essaying the role of a grief-stricken cop, Jasmeet Bhamra, in it.

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